Gardenlady's Top Ten Reasons To Grow A Garden This Year!
1. You can avoid genetically altered, irradiated and chemically treated foods.
2. You can get better taste, more vitamins and nutrients, and better looking food from just picked produce.
3. You can save money on your weekly grocery bills.
4. You can eliminate worries of nasty germs getting on your produce at large processing and packing plants.
5. Your children and other family members will be more enthusiastic about eating vegetables they helped grow.
6. You can have the convenience of fresh herbs and vegetables growing right outside your kitchen door.
7. You can grow something to share with friends and neighbors.
8. You can do something "green" while learning to appreciate nature.
9. You can reap health benefits in your garden from exercise, fresh air and vitamin D producing sunshine.
10. You will enjoy a great sense of accomplishment when you eat something you have grown yourself.