Friday, April 3, 2009


I woke up this morning in the best mood, wide awake and anxious to see what was happening in the yard and with my seeds started in the window! I have this magnolia tree called Elizabeth which is currently teasing me with the biggest velvety buds you ever did see! The Grandiflora and Stellata Magnolias are all in bloom here, but my yellow lady is keeping me waiting! Hence, the fitting addition of Carly Simon's song "Anticipation" to my blog's garden song playlist!

I know that the politicians of late have snagged onto the words HOPE and CHANGE, but I think my garden speaks of better things, an everlasting hope and a change that brings life and joy! So today as I listen to the wind and rain howling through the blooming flowering pears, my mind wanders to the One who first used a budded fig tree as an example and a reminder of how we should discern the times we live in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE how nature speaks to you Garden lady!

Kind of speaks to me too.