Thursday, April 23, 2009

a visitor stopped by my little seedlings today

Glad to see this little lady bug has found a bit of spring here in the house...No wonder she made her way to the plants because as I walk up to the window now I can definitely smell the distinct smell of tomato plants in the air. In a few weeks everything will be moved outside and then we will be off and running.
How cute is this card my daughter sent me? I can't wait to eat all those yummy vegetable parts from my heirloom plants. It will be so sweet to know what I am eating has not been genetically altered, irradiated or doused in chemicals. Longing for some homegrown buttercrunch lettuce in a lemon honey vinagrette!

sugar ann snap peas poking up their heads

raised bed garden...simple and effective

Elizabeth Magnolia in all her buttery yellow beauty

magnolia a bit worn from ravages of late frost and thunderstorms

tomato burlesque

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Reaching for the Light

It is funny how fast these plants turn and grow right for the light. I can turn their pots several times a day and within an hour or so they have leaned right back toward the window stretching to get every last drop of sunshine. They long for the outdoors and full sun. But lucky for them, they are nice and warm inside. It has been cold and snowing a bit here the last few days. I am glad the sun has been popping in and out to smile on my little seedlings. They don't look too bad for two week old plants. You are looking at leek, basil, tomato, and eggplant seedlings. My parsley and peppers have been dragging their feet a bit.

Friday, April 3, 2009


I woke up this morning in the best mood, wide awake and anxious to see what was happening in the yard and with my seeds started in the window! I have this magnolia tree called Elizabeth which is currently teasing me with the biggest velvety buds you ever did see! The Grandiflora and Stellata Magnolias are all in bloom here, but my yellow lady is keeping me waiting! Hence, the fitting addition of Carly Simon's song "Anticipation" to my blog's garden song playlist!

I know that the politicians of late have snagged onto the words HOPE and CHANGE, but I think my garden speaks of better things, an everlasting hope and a change that brings life and joy! So today as I listen to the wind and rain howling through the blooming flowering pears, my mind wanders to the One who first used a budded fig tree as an example and a reminder of how we should discern the times we live in.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

When I plant my seeds I like to use soil-less seed starting mix, so I don't get problems with soil born pests. I add some warm water into the seed starter mix until I get a crumbly moist soil mix, about like a barely moistened baking mix. Trust me on this and don't try to put the soil mix into the pots dry.

sort of like making muffins.

a chopstick works really well for planting tiny seeds.Seeds in a sunny window